Maqola sarlavhasi:

Evaluation and characterization of modernization of the food industry


Economic reforms aimed at accelerating economic development and improving the welfare of the population in our country are yielding positive results. In particular, the role of government programs in the efficient use of land, water and other natural resources and long-term work in meeting the needs of the population in food, which has become one of the global problems, is growing.


The article uses the expert survey method to assess the process of modernization of the food industry. Initially, the article provides a brief description of the scientific sources on the topic. The issues of selection of experts, determination of their qualifications, assessment of the degree of closeness and consistency of the expert opinion were then discussed. In the last part of the article, all the results obtained are summarized.

Kalit so‘zlar:


Yo‘nalish sohasi:

Ekonometrika va statistika

Maqola muqovasi
Maqola muqovasi
Nashr etilgan sana:
13-June, 2024

Maqolaning muallifi

Muallif: Khasan Sabirov

Ish joyi: Xalqaro Nordik universiteti

Lavozim: Kafedra mudiri

Ilmiy daraja: PHD