Maqola sarlavhasi:

Genre fantasy and detective: scientific interpretation in theoretical views in the world biliteracy (belles-lettres)


There have been conducted many studies on Uzbek folk tales and mythology by Uzbek literary scholars. However, today the appearance of a new literary phenomenon combining such epic genres is great news for Uzbek writers. Fantasy and detective are not a genre that has arisen today; its roots go back to the distant past. However, many scholars initially viewed it as a direction of fiction. For example, M. S. Galina [1] and E. N. Kovtun [2] to fantasy as a “genre”, A. Karelin - the “subgenre” of fiction [3], A. I Osipov - “direction” [4] is called. Such theoretical considerations have been ongoing up until today


This study aims to provide a scientific analysis of the fantasy and detective genres which have entered literature as a new literary term. Every nation introduces a new term or a new literary genre into its literature, realizes its essence, and then tries to reconcile it with its culture. Fantasy and detective as a literary genre today is incomparable with its place in world literature. In the study, fantasy is analyzed as the main fictional genre in the literature and its meaning with some scientific approaches. It also explores the characteristics of the fiction and fantasy genres that are still ongoing. Then it determines the relationship between them based on scientific considerations.

Kalit so‘zlar:


Yo‘nalish sohasi:

Jahon adabiyoti

Maqola muqovasi
Maqola muqovasi
Nashr etilgan sana:
21-June, 2024

Maqolaning muallifi

Muallif: Dilshod Nasriddinov

Ish joyi: Nordic International University

Lavozim: Teacher

Ilmiy daraja: Associate professor, PhD.