Maqola sarlavhasi:
The role and importance of management of f inancial resources in the enterprise
Financial management of an enterprise is one of the most important tasks facing any business, regardless of its form of ownership, scope, and scale of activity. The importance of this direction is due to the special role of finance, which is the only type of resources that can be transformed into any other type of resources - buildings, technologies, raw materials, and personnel.
In the article, the author presents the concept of financial resources of the enterprise. The goals and main tasks in the field of financial resources management are considered.
Kalit so‘zlar:
Yo‘nalish sohasi:
Buxgalteriya hisobi va audit
Maqolaning muallifi
Muallif: Golibjon Kuvvatov
Ish joyi: Tashkent State University of Economics (DSc)
Lavozim: Accountant
Ilmiy daraja: PhD