Maqola sarlavhasi:

Transitioning to a green economy and implementing sustainable technological changes in Uzbekistan


Numerous environmental issues, including air pollution, deforestation, water scarcity, and climate change, are currently affecting the planet. These difficulties have an impact on the economy and society in addition to the environment. To solve these issues, nations worldwide are switching to a green economy, which encourages inclusive and sustainable economic growth, lowers environmental hazards, and boosts social fairness. Despite being one of the fastest-growing economies in the region, Uzbekistan nevertheless has serious environmental problems that need to be addressed immediately. Transiting to a green economy and implementing sustainable technical advancements is crucial to secure sustainable economic growth.


Although it has one of the fastest-growing economies in the region, Uzbekistan nonetheless has a lot of environmental problems. Adopting sustainable technical advancements and transitioning to a green economy are essential to addressing these issues. This paper discusses the significance of Uzbekistan’s transition to a green economy and the actual application of sustainable technical developments. It looks at the issues preventing the use of sustainable technologies and provides recommendations to address them.

Kalit so‘zlar:


Yo‘nalish sohasi:

Qishloq xo‘jaligi iqtisodiyoti

Maqola muqovasi
Maqola muqovasi
Nashr etilgan sana:
13-June, 2024

Maqolaning muallifi

Muallif: Elshod Umarov

Ish joyi: Nordic International University

Lavozim: Dean of the faculty of Economics and pedagogy

Ilmiy daraja: Magistr